Please note this is a PhD candidate thesis review seminar.

Yan Li is a 3rd year PhD student working on assessing early-life exposure to pesticides in general population in Australian. Her PhD aims to evaluate the exposure as well as potential factors related to this type of exposure. In this thesis review milestone presentation Yan will introduce what she has been doing over the last three years and what she has found in her research project.

Yan completed her bachelor degree in Environment Engineering in 2005 at Shenyang Agricultural University in China, followed by a master degree of Marine Chemistry at Dalian Maritime University in China in 2009. Yan joined QAEHS in 2012 working as a research assistant and participated in a wide range of research and consultancy projects. She started her PhD journey in 2016 working on assessing early-life exposure to organophosphate pesticides and pyrethroids for Australian and New Zealand general population.