Research Outputs

Research Outputs

Suzuki, M., Nilsson, S., Shepherd, C.E., Zammit, I., Suryana, E., Mueller, N., Halliday, G., Wang, X., Symeonides, C., Dunlop, S. and Mueller, J.F., 2025. Number of Carbons Is a Critical Parameter for Accumulation of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Human Brain. Environmental Science & Technology.

Taucare, G., Chan, G., Nilsson, S., Toms, L.M.L., Zhang, X., Mueller, J.F. and Jolliet, O., 2024. Temporal trends of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances concentrations: Insights from Australian human biomonitoring 2002–2021 and the US NHANES programs 2003–2018. Environmental Research262, p.119777.

Orr, J.J., Toms, L.M., Hobson, P., Kennedy, C., Langguth, D., Kucharski, N., Olazo, A.S., Mueller, J.F. and Nilsson, S., 2024. Spatial Variations in Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Concentrations in Pooled Sera from Inland, Coastal, and Island Populations. Environmental Research, p.120482.

Que, D.E., Wang, X., Nilsson, S., Zammit, I., Muir, D.C., Rauert, C., Toms, L.M.L., Prasad, P., Shiels, R.G., Eaglesham, G. and Hobson, P., 2024. Trends of Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles in Australian Pooled Urine Samples from 2012 to 2023. Environmental Science & Technology.

Seewoo, B.J., Goodes, L.M., Thomas, K.V., Rauert, C., Elagali, A., Ponsonby, A.L., Symeonides, C. and Dunlop, S.A., 2024. How do plastics, including microplastics and plastic-associated chemicals, affect human health?. Nature Medicine, pp.1-2.

Rauert, C., Wang, X., Charlton, N., Lin, C.Y., Tang, C., Zammit, I., Jayarathne, A., Symeonides, C., White, E., Christensen, M. and Ponomariova, V., 2024. Blueprint for the design, construction, and validation of a plastic and phthalate-minimised laboratory. Journal of Hazardous Materials468, p.133803.

Tang, C., Ramos, M.J.G., Heffernan, A., Kaserzon, S., Rauert, C., Lin, C.Y., Mueller, J.F. and Wang, X., 2023. Evaluation and identification of chemical migrants leached from baby food pouch packaging. Chemosphere340, p.139758.

Okoffo, E.D., Rauert, C., Boots, R., Fielding, D., Bashiradeh, F., Singh, M. and Thomas, K.V., 2023. Assessment of background plastics contamination from human respiratory tract sample collection vessels. Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics1(1), p.4.

Burrows, S.D., Ribeiro, F., O’Brien, S., Okoffo, E., Toapanta, T., Charlton, N., Kaserzon, S., Lin, C.Y., Tang, C., Rauert, C. and Wang, X., 2022. The message on the bottle: Rethinking plastic labelling to better encourage sustainable use. Environmental Science & Policy132, pp.109-118.

Rauert, C., Pan, Y., Okoffo, E.D., O’Brien, J.W. and Thomas, K.V., 2022. Extraction and Pyrolysis-GC-MS analysis of polyethylene in samples with medium to high lipid content. J. Environ. Expo. Assess1, p.13.

Conference Presentations

Tang, C., Ramos, M.J.G., Kaserzon, S., Rauert, C., Mueller, J., Heffernan, A., Lin, C. & Wang, X. Characterizing chemical migrants from major baby food pouch brands available in the Australian market, SETAC-AU Conference 2021, Melbourne, Australia, 30 August – 2 September 2021.

Thomas, K.V. The analytical challenges of unravelling the environmental plastics cycle, Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Congress 2022, Brisbane, Australia, 3-8 July 2022.

Thomas, K.V. Pyrolysis coupled to gas chromatography mass spectrometry as a tool for evaluating the environmental plastics cycle, Pittcon 2022, Online, 5-9 March 2022.

Rauert, C. PE lipid interference research, Queensland Mass Spectrometry Symposium 2022, Brisbane, Australia, 1-2 December 2022.

Rauert, C. Uncertainties with PE reporting in human biomonitoring studies. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 30 April - 4 May 2023.

Tang, C., Gomez Ramos, M.J., Kaserzon, S. & Wang, X. Assessing the migration of unexpected added substances from breastmilk storage plastic containers, SETAC Australasia 2023, Townsville, Australia, 7-11 August 2023.

Puente-De La Cruz, L. Rauert, C., Thomas, K. V. Evaluation of micro and nano plastic background of commercial breast milk storage bags, SETAC Australasia 2023, Townsville, Australia, 7-11 August 2023.

Chen, H., Thomas, K.V. & Rauert, C. Investigating matrix interference from analysing nanoplastics and microplastics in spleen samples by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 17-23 August 2024.

Lin, H., Rauert, C. & Thomas, K. Investigating the impacts on molecular weight and tacticity of polystyrene on the formation of pyrolysis products using pyrolysis – gas chromatography – mass spectrophotometry, Queensland Mass Spectrometry Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 9 February 2024.

Puente, L. Rauert, C. & Thomas, K. Evaluation of micro and nano plastic background of commercial breast milk storage bags, Queensland Mass Spectrometry Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 9 February 2024.

Puente-De La Cruz, L., Thomas, K.V. & Rauert, C. Micro and nanoplastic migration from plastic breast milk storage bags and storage bottles, International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 17-23 August 2024.

Pan, Y., Thomas, K.V., Khan, T.J., Shepherd, C. & Rauert, C. Assessing the potential for micro/nanoplastics (MNPs) to cross human biological barriers, International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 17-23 August 2024.

Okoffo, E., O’Brien, J., Rauert, C., Ribeiro, F., O’Brien, S., Toapanta, T., Yenney, E., De la Torre, G. & Thomas, K. Quantitative analysis of micro- and nano-plastics in environmental samples by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry, International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 17-23 August 2024.

Wang, X., He, C., Thai, P., Toms, L. & Mueller, J. Long-term (2012-2021) Trends in Exposures to Bisphenols, Parabens, Triclosan and Triclocarban in General Population of Queensland, Australia. SETAC Conference 2024, Tianjin, China, 21–25 September 2024.

Tang, C., Ramos, M.R.G., Mueller, J.F., Puente-DelaCruz, P., Okoffo, E.D., Kaserzon, S. & Wang, X. Plastic-related Oligomers Migrated from Single and Multilayer Breast Milk Storage Bags. SETAC Conference 2024, Tianjin, China, 21-25 September 2024.

Que, D.E., Wang, X., Nilsson, S., Zammit, I., Muir, D.C.G., Rauert, C., Toms, L.L., Prasad, P., Shiels, R.G., Eaglesham, G., Hobson, P., Langguth, D., & Mueller, J.F. Benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles trends in the general Australian population urine samples from 2012 to 2023. DIOXIN Conference 2024, Singapore, 29 September – 4 October 2024.

Rauert, C., Boots, R. & Thomas, K. What we inhale and the damage done - a focus on microplastics, The Thorasic Society of Australia and New Zealand Queensland Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 26 October 2024.