Poly- and perfluroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of several thousand structurally similar chemicals have been used for a myriad of applications in consumer and industrial products. Certain individual PFAS have been recognised as toxic to humans and the environment, and global regulatory action has resulted. As products are used and disposed of, the PFAS associated with these enter landfills and waste water treatment plants. Landfill leachate, waste water effluent and biosolids are often beneficially reused but have the potential to contain PFAS, and re-release it to the environment.  Further, during waste management processing, the breakdown of poly-FAS precursor molecules unintentionally increases the amounts of problematic PFAS, creating additional management challenges for waste operators.

This PhD aims to investigate the presence of PFAS in the Australian waste stream, the extent of remobilising through the reuse of recycled waste products and provide insights to the waste industry to reduce their impact on the surrounding environment.

Please note this is a PhD Student Mid-candidature seminar.


PACE Building, 20 Cornwall Street, Woolloongabba
Interaction Space (Room 4002)