Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in recent decades, and its development coincides with being obese and other nutritional factors. The significant changes in dietary patterns are linked to MetS's features, which include an unhealthy diet, a higher consumption of meats, processed foods and foods containing saturated fats, and a reduction of fruits and vegetables consumption. Thus, modification in diet and acquisition of healthier habits in physical activity is the first and most crucial step to preventing and treating MetS. In addition to changes in health risk behaviors and lifestyles, medications also play a vital part in MetS treatment. However, there is a paucity of evidence reflecting the role of nutrition as a risk factor for NCDs development in Vietnam.

Therefore, we aim to identify the current prevalence of MetS components, nutritional risk factors and MetS treatment coverage through dispensing diabetes medications among the Vietnamese adult population.

Please note this is a Student Progress Review presentation of Kim Anh Dang.