Please note: Registration and payment for the event is required, please visit the Global Leadership Series website.

Tiny particles of plastic are seemingly everywhere: So-called microplastics have been found in the ocean, tap water, bottled water, soil and the air we breathe. Microplastics in the oceans are ingested by aquatic life and enter the food chain. Indeed, microplastics have been detected in seafood, including tuna, lobster and oysters. Humans are also likely exposed to microplastics as a result of plastic contamination from food packaging or processing.

Little is known about the health effects of microplastics, but there's concern that the pervasive plastics may affect our gastrointestinal health, possibly reach other organs as well act as transport vectors of chemical pollutants.  

Professor Thomas will present the current state-of-the art in understanding how we are exposed to microplastics, and their associated additives, in our daily lives and which areas need further research in order to understand whether microplastics do pose a threat to human health.

Professor Kevin Thomas
Centre Director, Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences

Kevin’s research interests are centred on understanding the environmental fate, behaviour, effects and risks associated with man-made pollutants of emerging concern with the goal of protecting environmental and human health. His current research is focused on assessing community-wide health status through fingerprinting wastewater, establishing alternative approaches to exposure monitoring, for example explanted silicone prostheses and wristbands, understanding human exposure to microplastic particulate pollution and developing analytical methods for characterising man-made pollutants of emerging concern.

Please note: Registration and payment for the event is required, please visit the Global Leadership Series website.

The Global Leadership Series (GLS) is a lively program of events for alumni and community members. Join us for lectures and discussions with the best of the best UQ-related speakers on matters that impact your community and shape your ideas of the world. The series is an opportunity for you to engage with great minds on global matters, participate in thought-provoking discussions and network with UQ alumni and community members. All alumni, parents, community members and friends are welcome to attend the Global Leadership Series events.



Customs House, 399 Queen St, Brisbane