
NormaNEWS is lead by Kevin Thomas at NIVA (Norway) as part of the Non-target screening cross working group activity of the NORMAN network.

What is NormaNEWS and how does it work

The Norman Early Warning System (NormaNEWS) is a collaborative activity aimed at members active in non-target analysis.

The concept of NormaNEWS is that when one group identifies a new contaminant of emerging concern identification criteria are sent to other members of the group who use retrospective analysis techniques to check their own samples. This way we can rapidly establish the occurrence of newly identified compounds of emerging concern across Europe and beyond (Australia).

A pilot activity has bought together interested parties working on non-target analysis and having already accurate mass high-resolution mass spectrometry data for environmental samples. The  interested laboratories provided candidate compounds for inclusion that were summarised into a single list that have been circulated to all participating laboratories in order to perform retrospective analysis on their existing data. The talk will present the findings of this study and some ongoing areas that need future focus for the sharing of such data.


Professor Kevin Thomas, Director, QAEHS, The University of Queensland