The overall objective of the PhD project is to evaluate the sorption and stability of biomarkers in the sewer and understand the uncertainties associated for consumption estimation. The first aim of the PhD project is to investigate the feasibility of using wastewater analysis to monitor community consumption of selected PPCPs, alcohol and tobacco in China. The second aim is to evaluate adsorption/absorption of selected biomarkers in-sewer biofilm and sediments. The third aim is to assess in-sewer degradation of biomarkers with laboratory scale sewer reactors. The fourth aim is to evaluate the stability of biomarkers in a pilot scale sewer. The final aim is to understand the transportation and transformation of biomarkers in a real sewer. To date, the first aim for PPCPs consumption has been finished, the alcohol and tobacco consumption sample analysis is finished, and data is under processing. A trial test has been done for the sorption of biomarkers in biofilm and sediment. A manuscript for sewer reactor test has been submitted (accepted). Pilot sewer test has been carried out, samples are under preparation for instrumental analysis. Field work in Gold Coast UC09 rising main sewer have been carried out and preliminary data have been analysed, a manuscript is under preparation for alcohol and tobacco consumption biomarker stability in real sewer.


Jack Gao, QAEHS PhD Candidate; Mid-Candidature Review


39 Kessels Rd, Coopers Plains QLD 4108
QHFSS Seminar Room 103