
Chemicals that are very persistent and very mobile in the aquatic environment (vPvM) have specific combinations of intrinsic physico-chemical properties and are emerging as key environmental and human health threats. These intrinsic properties make their analytical measurement extremely challenging, as contemporary concentration techniques are insufficient and their poor chromatographic retention leads to poor separation and reduced sensitivity in electrospray (ESI) mass spectrometry. This ICHDR project will develop novel extraction (link to Project T2) and chromatographic methods for vPvM chemicals and couple these to HRMS (AB Sciex). The developed methods will be used to assess the spatial and temporal variations in human and environmental exposures to vPvM chemicals- a key step in protecting environmental and human health.

Selection Criteria

To be eligible to apply, you must meet the entry requirements for Higher Degrees by Research at UQ.


For further information, please contact Prof Kevin Thomas

How to apply

Please submit your cover letter, CV, academic transcript and English proficiency score (if applicable) to Prof Kevin Thomas