Researcher biography
Chris Paxman (Paxy) has been with QAEHS/Entox since 2002 and has worked on many projects relating to the collection of numerous sample matrices including:
- Water (passive and active sampling of marine, fresh and wastewater)
- Air (passive and active sampling of ambient air, contaminated sites, workplaces and bushfires)
- Soil and sediment
- Biosolids
- Blood and serum
- Breast milk
- Urine
- Marine and freshwater biota
- Dust
Currently, Chris is heavily involved with numerous aquatic passive sampling projects including the GBR Marine Monitoring Program, SEQW Routine Monitoring, DES (Qld) Wetlands monitoring, SA Water and Veolia.
He also co-ordinates a nationwide passive air sampling and archiving project and provides assistance on a number of other sampling campaigns.
Chris also runs the essential QAEHS/PACE Staff and Student Coffee Club and is unofficially recognised as QAEHS’ “poet laureate”. Chris once dressed as Crocodile Dundee at an international conference in order to attract visitors to a conference that Entox was to host in Cairns. Chris’ blood (and urine) is worth bottling, and have been used as controls in several biomonitoring projects.