Dr Foon Yin Lai

Researcher biography
Foon Yin Lai is an Associate Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden. She works at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment (Institutionen för vatten och miljö) of SLU. She graduated her PhD with Professor Jochen Mueller at QAEHS of UQ in 2014, followed by two-year postdoctoral research. Since then, she has been an honorary research fellow with QAEHS. Besides continuing her research backbone on studying chemical use and exposure in populations via analysis of influent wastewater, her group at SLU is also researching the impact of the emerging contaminants on the environment due to wastewater discharge and reuse. These topics particularly concern about, but not limited to, antimicrobial resistance and endocrine description effects.
Collaboration between Lai’s and QAEHS’s research is very much active, especially for studies related to wastewater-based epidemiology, from classical (il)licit drugs to very recently new psychoactive substances.