Dr Janet Cumming

Recently retired, Dr Janet Cumming was an Advanced Environmental Health Scientist in Qld Health’s Water Unit for 13 years. Before taking up the position at QH, she was a research fellow at SmartWater (Griffith University). Dr Cumming previously worked at the National Industrial Chemical Notification and Assessment Scheme (now the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme). Janet worked and studied at both early iterations of QAEHS (NRCET and Entox) and lectured at QUT in Risk Assessment for environmental health and occupational health courses. Representing QH, Janet was a deputy chair of the Services Trades Council (2018-2022) and a deputy delegate on the earlier Plumbing Industry Council. (2010-2014)
Janet studied environmental science (chemistry) at Griffith University and toxicology at RMIT (as in service training while employed at NICNAS). Janet completed her PhD in chemical risk assessment at Griffith University in 2008 with scholarships from the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment and Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC/Procter & Gamble Company Global Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Environmental Science, sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Company, 2005)
She is interested in chemical risk assessment including, but not limited to, drinking water contaminants, wastewater, onsite wastewater, domestic plumbing, and ethics in environmental assessment and management.