Keynote Speakers
Dr Katie Willis |
Dr Mariana Matus |
Dr Sara Castiglioni Istituto di Ricerche Farmacoloiche Mario Negri IRCCS Sara Castiglioni, Biologist and PhD in Environmental Chemistry, pioneer in the development of wastewater- based epidemiology she is working on novel applications related to human health, she also studies emerging contaminants in the environment. |
Professor Amy Pruden Virginia Tech Amy Pruden is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech, USA. Her research focuses on converging microbial ecology and environmental engineering in identifying strategies to mitigate the spread of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in the environment. |
Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern |
Science Director Paul Bertsch Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Dr Paul Bertsch is the Science Director of the Land and Water Business Unit at CSIRO. From February, 2019 until June 30, 2020 Paul served as the Interim Queensland Chief Scientist. Dr. Bertsch has championed inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches that integrate land, water, ecosystems, cities, social and economic sciences, environmental contamination and toxicology, earth observation, and climate adaptation to address the grand challenges facing Australia and the global community. |