QAEHS in Focus: Garth Campbell

7 Dec 2023

QAEHS in Focus shines the spotlight on QAEHS staff and students to showcase the expertise and talent within our Centre.

Why did you choose QAEHS to study with?

I've always had an interest in science and the environment, and so I registered for a summer research project at QAEHS to help develop a method for extracting PFAS. Several projects and an honours year later, I am still here. 

What is your research about?

I'm investigating the exposure rates of glyphosate (a pesticide found in products like Roundup) in high use practices, and implementing strategies to reduce exposure. 

How do QAEHS academics assist with the development of your research?

I have weekly meetings with my main supervisor Sarit, and analysts are always happy to help with any questions I have.

What is the best thing about living in Brisbane?

The access it has to places to hike and camp, and the distance to the beaches.

What is your favourite movie?

My big boy answer is the Lobster, and my child at heart answer would be the Incredibles. Honourable mention to Shrek though.

Random fact that you would like to share about yourself.

I’ve boxed for about 5 years, and am the UQ Boxing Club’s Vice President.
