QAEHS in Focus: Chris Paxman

2 May 2019

QAEHS in Focus shines the spotlight on QAEHS staff and students to showcase the expertise and talent within our Centre.

Chris PaxmanChris Paxman

How long have you worked at QAEHS?

Over 16 years.

How do you explain your job to people?

I focus on the fact that the job deals with environmental monitoring…but that it can include water (fresh and marine, and wastewater), biota, air, blood, urine, soil, sediment, breast milk, dust…almost anything. These samples are generated through research and consultancy projects. Most of my role is concerned with the logistics of sample collection (including preparation of sampling equipment and monitors) as well as receival, storage and processing samples for analysis.

What has been your career path that led to your current position at QAEHS?

Business analyst at Customs and the ATO, followed by water filtration sales. Within Entox/QAEHS I started as soil and sediment tube washer and shipper for a dioxin monitoring program, and since have done almost everything in the lab short of analysis, lots of hands-on fieldwork, and been involved with more projects than I can remember.

What is your favourite thing about working at QAEHS?

The variety…as well as the talent and enthusiasm of the staff and students.

What is something you learned in the last week?

That some prawn farms are teeming with other shellfish.

What is your favourite movie?

Groundhog Day.

Random fact you would like to share about yourself.

I’m a direct descendant of a Catholic priest.

