The annual School of Pharmacy/QAEHS 3 Minute Thesis competition was held Thursday 14th July. For the first time since COVID-19, students participated live in the PACE auditorium for the competition. QAEHS students Carly Beggs, Joseph Clokey, Mathieu Feraud, Belinda Moore, Stacey O’Brien and Tania Toapanta all participated. Carly Beggs won Runner Up and will move onto the HaBS Faculty 3MT competition on Wednesday 3rd August.
QAEHS Director, Prof Kevin Thomas said, “Congratulations to all of the QAEHS students on their outstanding 3 minute presentations. They certainly gave the judges a tough challenge in picking a winner.”
The 3MT® is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience. 3MT® celebrates the discoveries made by research students and encourages their skill in communicating the importance of research to the broader community.