Persistent organic pollutants discussed at Dioxin 2024

31 Oct 2024

QAEHS researchers, Prof Jochen Mueller, Dr Fisher Wang, Dr Sandra Nilsson and PhD student Ma. Katreena Que, attended the recent Dioxin 2024 conference held in Singapore.

student Ma. Katreena Que presenting
PhD student Ma. Katreena Que presenting at Dioxin.

Student Ma. Katreena Que enjoyed the conference stating: "It was such a great experience to be able to attend DIOXIN 2024 and it was very rewarding to finally share the results of some of my PhD projects. I gave two oral presentations in the conference regarding exposure of the Australian general population to benzotriazoles, benzothiazoles and organophosphate esters—the latter being the outcome of collaborative efforts between QAEHS and Prof. Adrian Covaci's group in the Toxicological Centre of the University of Antwerp where I was a visiting research student for 4 months. I enjoyed the conference so much, catching up with old colleagues and networking with fellow scientists in the same field."

Dr Sandra Nilsson commented: "Attending conferences is one of the best parts about being a researcher. Dioxin 2024 was a great opportunity to share some of our most recent studies, learn about the latest research in the field and connect with other researchers from all over the world."

dr sandra nilsson presenting at dioxins
Dr Sandra Nilsson presenting at Dioxin.

Researcher presentations included:

  • Dr Sandra Nilsson, Plasma and blood donation speeds up the reduction of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) serum concentrations: An observational case study and Effectiveness of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure control in exposed communities in Australia.
  • Ma. Katreena Que, Benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles trends in the general Australian population urine samples from 2012 to 2023 and Trends of OPFRs metabolites in age- and gender-stratified pooled urine samples from the last decade (2012-2023) in Australia.
