Plastics entering the marine environment can degrade into smaller pieces due to UV irradiation and mechanical forces. These pieces of weathered microplastics possess different characteristics and properties than new plastic materials. This project simulated the environmental degradation of microplastics under marine conditions using simulated sunlight and the mechanical abrasion of sediment in seawater.
It is hypothesised that under harsh weathering conditions, such as high sun exposure, high temperature, and humidity, plastics are likely to degrade and pollute the marine environment with microplastics.
Research Outputs
Conference Abstracts
Toapanta, T., Okoffo, E., Ede, S., O’Brien, S., Burrows, S.D., Ribeiro, F., Gallen, M., Colwell, J., Whittaker, A.K., Kaserzon, S., Thomas, K.V. Quantification effects by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry after photooxidation on the surface of polypropylene microplastics, SETAC-AU Conference 2021, Melbourne, Australia, 30 August – 2 September 2021.
Toapanta, T., Okoffo, E. D., O’Brien, S., Burrows, S., Ribeiro, F., Gallen, M., Ede, S., Colwell, J., Whittaker, A., Thomas, K. V., Kaserzon, S. Influence of simulated weathering on the quantification of microplastic polypropylene by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. SETAC Europe, Online, 3-6 May, 2021.
Toapanta, T., Okoffo, E., Ede, S., O’Brien, S., Burrows, S. D., Ribeiro, F., Gallen, M., Colwell, J., Whittaker, A. K., Kaserzon, S., Thomas, K. V. Quantification effects by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry after photooxidation on the Surface of polypropylene microplastics. SETAC Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, 30 August – 2 September 2021.
Toapanta, T., Okoffo, E., O’Brien, S., Burrows, S., Ribeiro, F., Gallen, M., Ede, S., Colwell, J., Whittaker, A., Thomas, K., Kaserzon, S. Signal decrease of microplastic polypropylene due to simulated weathering during quantification analysis with Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, EMCON, Virtual, USA, 13-14 September 2021.
Toapanta, T., Okoffo, E.D., O’Brien, S., Burrows, S., Ribeiro, F., Gallen, M., Ede, S., Colwell, J., Whittaker, A., Thomas, K.V., Kaserzon, S. Chemical characterisation of degraded polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene microplastic samples, 58th Annual Conference of the Australian Marine Sciences Association, Cairns, Australia, 7-11 August 2022.